My writing and research focuses on modern and contemporary poetry and poetics, gender, race, and subjectivity. I am currently working on two book projects in literary studies: one is on the place of the lyric within the postwar North American long poem, and the second is on poetry, queer futurity, and reproductive time. Since 2011 I have been coeditor of Jacket2, the open-access scholarly journal of modern and contemporary poetry and poetics. I am also on the advisory board of Palgrave Studies in Contemporary Women Writers.

Selected research publications:
“Form as Method: Dorothy Wang, Ginger Ko, and Radical Translation,” in Syndicate symposium on Dorothy Wang’s Thinking Its Presence
“‘What Am I to Do with All of This Life’: Gwendolyn Brooks’s Maud Martha,” in A Forest on Many Stems: Essays on the Poet’s Novel, edited by Laynie Browne (Nightboat Books)
“Gwendolyn Brooks’s Pedagogical Activism,” Teaching Modernist Women’s Writing in English, edited by Janine Utell (MLA Publications, forthcoming)
“‘Shut your rhetorics in a box’: Gwendolyn Brooks and Lyric Dilemma,” Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature
“Alice Notley’s Descent: Modernist Genealogies and Gendered Literary Inheritance,” Journal of Modern Literature
Review of Renee Gladman, The Ravicka Trilogy, Make/Shift: Feminisms in Motion
“Lyric Resemblance,” The Volta
“Powers of Speech: Divya Victor’s Things to Do with Your Mouth,” Tripwire: A Journal of Poetics
“In Review”: on I Was There for Your Somniloquy by Kelli Anne Noftle and Left Having by Jesse Seldess, The Volta
“Epic Silence: On Myung Mi Kim’s Under Flag,” Jacket2
“Lyric Descent: A Soft Polemic,” P-Queue
“Against the Weather: On Teaching Williams,” Jacket2
Regular contributor of articles on the arts, culture, and politics, and reviews of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction, for independent publications such as Tikkun, Curve, WireTap, AlterNet, SF Bay Times, Time Out San Francisco, Bitch, and Make/Shift
Selected conference presentations:
“Counting the Empty Womb.” Modernist Studies Association Conference, Toronto, Canada, October 2019
“Worlds Without an I: Bernadette Mayer’s Procedural Lyric.” ASAP Conference, College Park, MD, October 2019
“Queer Ecopoetics and/at the Border.” Association for the Study of Literature and Environment, Davis, CA, June 2019
“Moving Underground: Poetry and Public Transit.” American Comparative Literature Association Conference, Georgetown University, March 2019
“Precise Secession: Reproductive Border Poetics in José Felipe Alvergue and Amy Sara Carroll.” ASAP Conference, New Orleans, October 2018
“Reproductive Partitions: Contemporary Poetry and Queer Futurity.” ASAP Conference, Oakland, October 2017
“Reproductive Partitions: Contemporary Poetry and Queer Futurity.” ASAP Conference, Oakland, October 2017
“The Queer Time of Desires of Mothers to Please Others in Letters.” Communal Presence/New Narrative Conference, Berkeley, October 2017
“US Women’s Poetry, Protest, and Reproductive Precarity: Anne Waldman and Amy Sara Carroll,” ALA, Boston, MA, May 2017
“Boundary Conditions of the Long Poem,” Roundtable, MLA, Philadelphia, PA, January 2017
“Gwendolyn Brooks’s Pedagogical Activism,” MSA, Pasadena, CA, November 2016
“Conceptive Risk and Reproductive Time in Contemporary Poetry,” Poetics: (The Next) 25 Years, Buffalo, NY, 2016
“Disobedience, Fertility, Temporality: Margaret Christakos’s Counting,” ASAP, Greenville, SC, 2015
“Sound, Gender, and the New Lyric Studies: Brooks, Niedecker, Rankine,” ACLA, Seattle, WA, 2015
“Teaching Texts to Teachers: Close Reading in the Interdisciplinary MAT Classroom,” with Susan Cridland-Hughes, Northeast MLA, Harrisburg, PA, 2014
“Post-Fordist Fertility: Conceptive Risk in Amy Sara Carroll’s Fannie + Freddie: The Sentimentality of Post-9/11 Pornography,” ACLA, New York, NY, 2014
“Pop Compulsion: Queer Desire and Mass Culture in Contemporary Poetry,” AWP, Seattle, WA, 2014